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Why Concrete Lifting Rigs Are Better Than Mudjacking

Why Concrete Lifting Rigs Are Better Than Mudjacking

When a consumer or business experiences sinking concrete slabs, driveways, and other surfaces, there are several ways to fix them. Concrete raising foam and mudjacking are two ways to provide support to sinking concrete slabs. However, one method is more effective than the other in terms of long-term benefits. Keep reading to learn why concrete lifting rigs are better than mudjacking.

Less Invasive Process

The foam lifting process for concrete is minimally invasive and efficient. This process involves using a pumping machine to guide specialty polyurethane foam underneath the concrete slab. Contractors drill small, dime-sized holes into the concrete slab to inject the foam material. Mudjacking, on the other hand, is a more intensive process that requires additional pieces of equipment to complete. This process also involves drilling larger holes into the concrete, sometimes more than two inches in diameter. Between the heavy equipment, larger drilling holes, and more involved processes, mudjacking can leave a property with a lot of additional wear and tear.

Concrete Lifting Foam Is More Durable

The specialized polyurethane foam that contractors use for concrete lifting is more durable than mudjacking’s slurry mixture. Concrete lifting foam is hydrophobic, which means it is more resistant to water and won’t lose its hold when it encounters water. Compare this with mudjacking slurry, which is not hydrophobic and could potentially wash away due to contact with water. Mudjacking mixture can easily erode, leaving your concrete slab to sink all over again. Concrete lifting foam will provide a sturdy hold for your concrete slab and can support the weight year after year.

Longer Lasting Repairs

Polyurethane foam has the potential to last the lifespan of your concrete slab itself, while mudjacking efforts only last two to five years on average. The entire concrete raising process only takes a brief installation to complete and has lasting effects for years. On the other hand, the mudjacking process is less efficient and will need reapplication after a few years when it starts to wash away.

Hopefully, this quick guide to the differences between these two processes has helped explain why concrete lifting rigs are better than mudjacking. These are the benefits that you can offer your customers as a spray foam contractor. If you don’t already offer concrete lifting services as a spray foam contractor, consider investing in concrete slab lifting equipment from Spray Foam Systems. We offer high-quality concrete lifting equipment for foam contractors and concrete businesses.

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