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What Makes Concrete Lifting Spray Foam Different

What Makes Concrete Lifting Spray Foam Different

Before you start your spray foam contracting business, you need to be familiar with the different types of spray foam and their uses. For example, do you know what makes concrete lifting spray foam different? If you’re not familiar with the differences in this type of foam, keep reading to learn more about the concrete lifting process.

Traditional Spray Foam Versus Concrete Lifting Foam

The type of spray foam that contractors use for concrete lifting is different from the spray foam used for insulation. The DIY spray foam kits and compressed cans of spray foam that you can find at the hardware store are also separate from concrete lifting foam. The foam used for concrete jacking is formulated specifically for leveling sinking concrete purposes. Traditional foam isn’t as strong or aggressive enough to raise full concrete slabs, which is why you need to look for specialty materials and equipment for this job.

Qualities of Concrete Lifting Foam

Concrete lifting spray foam is a type of polyurethane foam with a different chemical makeup than other foams. Concrete lifting foam is denser and more durable than traditional spray foam. There are several other factors of concrete lifting foam that make it ideal for the job, such as its reaction time, foam adhesion, and pliability. One of the most convenient factors of concrete lifting foam is that it has a slower curing time, which allows the contractor to manipulate the concrete, whether they need to adjust or lock it into place. However, the concrete lifting process using polyurethane foam is still quick and efficient, meaning that your clients will see results faster than with other techniques, like mud jacking.

Different Equipment Necessary

Another main difference between the foam jacking process and other uses of spray foam is the equipment involved. A spray foam insulation rig and a concrete lifting rig will contain some similarities but overall unique equipment. For a more detailed look into concrete lifting rigs and systems, check out our selection of concrete slab lifting equipment here at Spray Foam Systems.

When you’re just starting out as a spray foam contractor, the minute differences between the various types of foam and equipment can be confusing. Now that you know what makes concrete lifting spray foam different, you can feel more confident about your spray foam purchases and offering these unique services as a part of your contracting business.

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