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#1 Source for Professional Spray Foam Equipment

Premium Spray Foam Equipment

Spray Foam Rigs

SPF Rig Weatherization and Storage Procedure

As you enter the colder months, you may not be using your spray rig as much, or maybe you are storing your rig for later use. Utilize this procedure to weatherize and store your rig. For more information or assistance please contact a technical rep at 1-888-362-6411.

Materials Needed :

  • (3) 5 gal buckets
  • PPE to include Full face respirator, chemical resistant suit, gloves
  • Plastic for ground protection
  • 1-2 cans of brake cleaner or carb cleaner
  • 5 gal of NZD ISO flush or comparable flushing solution.
  • 5 gal of DOP or comparable plasticizer
  • Adjustable Wrenches x 2 (Most LIkely a 12” & 15”)
  • Pipe Wrench
  • Bung Wrench
  • Strainers
  • Rags
  • Tube grease

Ensure material in proportioner system is 75 degrees or less, material pressures are at zero and spray gun is removed
from Gun Manifold.
Iso (A Side)

  1. Close air Control Valve on A-Transfer Pump and disconnect air line. Remove A Pump from drum.
  2. Over a scrap container, lift Inlet Ball off its seat and drain Transfer Pump. Wipe the Transfer Pump exterior clean
    with a clean rag and Cu-6.
  3. Insert into a clean bucket with approximately 4 gallons of GSP NZD Iso Neutralizer. Ensure the tipping of the
    Transfer pump is not possible.
  4. If proportioner has a machine circulation system for open- cell material, remove A-Circulation Hose form A-
    return tube kit inlet and place into scrap container. If there is no Machine circulation system, proceed to step 5.

o Close Air Control Valve on A- Transfer pump and connect airline. Ensuring the proportioner A-Inlet Ball
Valve is open, Turn A-Pressure Relief/Spray Valve to the Circulation position. Slowly open A-Transfer Pump
Air Control Valve and use Transfer Pump to pump all of A-material from proportioner and Circulation hose.
o Turn A-Pressure Relief/spray valve to the Spray position and close air control valve on A-Transfer Pump
o Refill bucket holding Transfer pump to approximately 4 gallon level with GSP NZD Neutralizer.

  1. Move scrap container to Gun Manifold and fully open A-Manual Valve on Gun Manifold. Slowly open Air Control
    Valve on A-Transfer Pump and use Transfer pump to pump bucket of GSP NZD Iso Neutralizer empty except for
    about 1 pint to eliminate Transfer pump cavitation. Close A-Manual Valve, wipe gun Manifold clean and close
    Air Control Valve on A-Transfer Pump.
  2. Repeat steps 2-4 with DPM Flush in place of GSP NZD Iso Neutralizer. Safely dispose of scrap A- contaminated
    solvents and rags.

Resin (B Side)

  1. Close Air Control Valve on B-Transfer Pump and disconnect air line. Remove Resin B-Transfer Pump from drum.
  2. Over a scrap container, lift Inlet Ball off its seat and drain Transfer Pump. Wipe the Transfer Pump exterior clean
    of material with a clean rag and CU-6 and insert into a clean bucket with approximately 4 gallons of DPM. Ensure
    tipping of the transfer pump is not possible.
  3. If proportioner has a Machine Circulation Systems for open cell material, remove B-Circulation Hose from B-
    Return Tube Kit inlet and place into scrap container. If machine has no Machine Circulation System proceed to

step 4.

a. Close Air Control Valve on B-Transfer Pump and connect airline. Ensuring the proportiner B-inlet Ball
Valve is open, turn B-Pressure Relief/Spray Valve to the Circulation position. Slowly open air Control
Valve on B-Transfer Pump and use Transfer Pump to pump all B-Material from proportioner and
Circulation Hose.
b. Turn B-Pressure Relief/Spray Valve to the Spray position and close Air Control Valve on B-Transfer Pump.

  1. Move scrap container to Gun Manifold and fully open B-Manual Valve on Gun Manifold. Slowly open Air Control
    Valve on B-Transfer Pump and use Transfer Pump to pump bucket of DPM Flush empty except for about 1 pint
    to eliminate Transfer Pump cavitation. Close B-Manual Valve, wipe Gun Manifold clean and close Air Control
    Valve on B-Transfer Pump.


  1. Position Iso (a) and Resin (B) Transfer Pumps in their respective clean buckets next to each other. Fill buckets
    with DOP.
  2. Remove Iso Lube Reservoir, drain old TSL, clean bottle and TSL inlet Screen and refill to 2/3 level with clean
  3. Open Air Control Valves on both Transfer pumps. Using the JOG Mode, slowly purge all DOP from systems
    and dispose of. Follow above procedures to purge Machine Circulation of DOP.
  4. Remove Gun Manifold from Whip Heated hose and secure the open ends into respective clean buckets with
    Transfer pumps. Replenish with DOP.
  5. Using the JOG Mode, increase speed to recycle DOP for at least 1⁄2 hour.
  6. Dispose of recycled DOP and replace with 5 gallons of DOP in both buckets. Place proportioning Pumps in
    Park position. Replace Gun Manifold.
  7. Using Transfer pumps as described in step 3 of Iso and Resin, purge recycled DOP from system with clean
    DOP in buckets. When approximately 1 quart of clean DOP remains in buckets, close air Control Valve on
    Transfer Pumps and disconnect air.
  8. Wrap fluid section of Transfer Pumps in plastic and store Transfer Pumps in secure upright position.
  9. Close Proportioner Inlet Ball Valves, recoil Heated Hoses and preform general clean up including clearing
    debris from under and inside Electrical Cabinet.
  10. Disassemble Spray gun, wash all parts in CU-6 and reassemble per Manual instructions using Fusion Lube
    and Fusion Grease as directed. Store in a secure place.

For Questions and Tech Assitance, please contact us at1-888-362-6411

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