Not all spray foam contractors start with the same tools, rigs, and standard equipment. After securing your spray foam kit and rig, you may have additional equipment to obtain for your spray foam business to be successful. These are tools that you’ll use consistently from job to job but don’t necessarily come with the standard spray foam kit. Here are some examples of important items your spray foam kit might be missing that you’ll want to secure before you start spraying.
Cleaning Tools
The spray foam application process can be messy. It takes time and experience to learn how to target the right areas and keep overspray to a minimum. While you’re still perfecting your spraying technique, there are cleaning tools to help you put the final touches on a scene and eliminate overspray. First, stock up on tarps, mats, and other protective coverings for furniture, flooring, and other surfaces you’ll need to protect. You should also have foam-dissolving solvents and mixtures in your rig to clean up and treat overspray spots. Scrapers can also help for evening out spray foam textures and removing overspray.
Safety Equipment
Not all spray foam kits come with the safety equipment needed to operate them. Every spray foam contractor needs to wear the proper protective gear before they start the spraying process. And safety gear doesn’t stop at the necessary masks, bodysuits, respirators, goggles, and gloves. You should also be sure to stock your spray foam rig with first-aid kits, eye wash stations, and other safety equipment recommended by your spray foam manufacturer and seasoned professionals.
Miscellaneous Accessories
Any longstanding spray foam contractor knows the need to pick up additional accessories for their spray foam rig over time. One accessory that seasoned contractors recommend is a moisture reader to understand the temperature and humidity of your surroundings. Moisture readers can even help you analyze the moisture content in the wood or other materials you’ll be spraying. Too much moisture in the air or on your working surface can cause spray foam to not stick correctly. Other accessories include items like spray foam mixers, drum heaters, hose sleeves, and more.
Don’t schedule your first insulation spray appointment without these crucial materials. If your spray foam kit is missing any of these important items, you can stock up with our selection of spray foam equipment and accessories here at Spray Foam Systems.