There are many factors that determine whether a spray foam installation job is a success or a failure. Every spray foam contractor wants a successful spray the first time, as a respray may be necessary if the first installation attempt doesn’t hold up. A faulty spray foam installation can be a waste of time, money, and resources if you don’t catch it fast enough. So how can we ensure that our first spray foam installation will be perfect, or at least come as close to perfect as we can get? Follow this guide to learn how to ensure your spray foam installation is successful the first time so that you don’t have to go through any more wasted materials and resprays.
Choose the Right Type of Foam for the Job
Make sure you know the scope of the job before the installation day so that you feel fully prepared with the right type of spray foam. There are many variations of spray foam, and each has different benefits and ideal applications.
Example: Low vs. High Pressure
As examples of the various kinds of spray foam and their applications, we’ll go over low-pressure versus high-pressure foam. High-pressure systems can apply spray foam at a much faster rate, which makes them ideal for covering larger areas and more expansive projects. Low-pressure systems have a lower rate of foam application but are good at getting into small spaces and cracks that need filling and sealing.
Keep Your Equipment in Good Condition
Sometimes, a faulty spray foam installation could arise due to equipment failure. Keeping your spray foam rigs and other equipment in good condition is the best way to make sure they stay dependable on the job. If you’re not sure whether you’ve been taking proper care of your equipment or not, here are some areas you can focus on in the future.
Equipment Inspections
First, performing regular equipment inspections after every use is a good habit to get into. Carrying out routine checks can help you catch issues like damaged or missing parts early so that you can schedule them for repairs before they worsen. Make sure to keep a schedule of your inspections and note your findings. This can help you maintain a log of how old your equipment is, how many repairs each piece has required, and how often it sustains damages. Equipment that needs constant repairs may be costing you more overall than it would cost to buy a brand-new rig or system.
Equipment Maintenance
While you perform your inspections after every use, make sure you take this time to clean and maintain your spray foam equipment as well. Pay special attention to the spray gun and hoses of your insulation machine—these parts can collect excess spray foam chemicals, which could eventually build up and clog the system. Spray foam machines are complex systems of components, so do your best to clean, check, and inspect each section of the equipment. Lastly, check your power connection components, such as the plugs and cords, for any wear and tear or fraying.
Test Used Equipment Beforehand
Buying used equipment is a terrific way to save some money in the spray foam business and stretch your company’s budget a bit further. However, you’ll pick up some used equipment that is in better condition than others. If you don’t get a demonstration from the seller at the time you purchased it, you’ll certainly want to test the equipment out before you rely on it for your next installation job. Give it another inspection, too, as you may notice damages you or the seller originally didn’t see during the exchange.
Follow Proper Training
We all have to go back to the basics sometimes. You’ll need to have all the training basics down to professionally train your spray foam staff. Otherwise, you could be spreading misinformation or forgetting crucial procedures or safety steps. There are also many precautions you must follow that you can find outlined in training courses. This is because of the conditions and chemicals present during the spraying work. Provide regular training sessions to your employees to ensure everyone is aware of proper procedures. This will help keep you and your clients safe.
Follow Safety Guidelines
Another vital part of spray foam application training encompasses safety guidelines and utilizing personal protective equipment (PPE). Spray foam insulation contains chemicals that help it hold its form during the installation stage, but these chemicals can be hazardous if people breathe them in or they make contact with people’s skin. Homeowners know that these chemicals won’t affect them after the foam has time to cure, but contractors can be at risk during the installation process. This is why spray foam contractors must always utilize PPE on the job. The following are some of the personal protective equipment items that keep spray foam contractors safe.
- Facial protection: This includes safety goggles, face shields, or both. Facial protection guards the eyes against the hazardous chemicals in spray foam. Contractors also use respirators on the job to prevent themselves from inhaling these same chemicals.
- Bodysuits and coveralls: Most spray foam experts will completely cover up from head to toe by wearing protective coveralls during the spraying process. This prevents chemicals from touching their skin or clothing. Without this equipment, the skin can become irritated.
- Gloves: Protective gloves may be separate from the bodysuit to allow more range of movement.
Know the Conditions That Affect Spray Foam
Finally, make sure to review the conditions that are unfavorable for spray foam installation. The ideal range for spray foam application usually falls between a temperature window of 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, though this varies between contractors. Moisture can also be a problem when it comes to scheduling installation. If it rains on your spraying day, the surface material will contain too much moisture, and the spray foam won’t adhere properly.
As you can tell, there are many factors that go into spray foam applications. We hope this guide has helped explain these factors and how to ensure your spray foam installation is successful. If you’ve realized it’s time for an equipment upgrade, there’s no need to look any further for your commercial spray foam machine needs. We have various systems and rigs available right here at Spray Foam Systems.