As a contractor, you may often look for new ways to grow and improve your spray foam business. One of the best ways to do so is to upgrade your services to be more efficient. You can improve your efficiency in many ways, such as investing in new equipment upgrades and improving your current insulation processes. Here are six techniques to make your spray foam jobs more efficient.
Cover Your Application Site Thoroughly
Spraying flexible foam materials is much easier than cleaning up hardened foam. Before spraying, make sure you thoroughly cover the surrounding furniture, fixtures, and other areas the client wants to protect with tape and tarps. Doing so will prevent overspray from hitting these objects and result in less cleanup for your team.
Ensure Spray Foam Temperature Control
Spray foam mixing materials have an optimal temperature range in which you should store them. The same goes for applying spray foam at certain temperatures. For example, when spraying insulation during extremely hot and cold months, such as summer and winter, you may need heating or cooling assistance for your foam materials. This temperature control helps promote a high-quality, consistent foam texture as you spray.
Clean Your Spray Foam Gun After Each Use
As an insulation contractor, you know how quickly spray foam can cure. Once this material cures, removing it can be difficult without the right solvents. Therefore, timing and remembering to always clean your spray gun after every use is vital. Leaving foam residue on it will allow it to harden, and you’ll have a mess you’ll need to clean up before your next spray job.
Flush Your Spray Foam Equipment
Remember to clean your foam gun between sprays and flush the rest of your equipment with an appropriate cleaner. Doing so will prevent foam chemicals from crystallizing and curing in your spray foam system’s hoses, lines, and other parts. Leaving foam debris to cure can lead to clogs and potentially excessive downtime during later jobs.
Allow Foam To Expand
While waiting for the foam to expand at the job site may sound like the opposite of efficiency, allowing your spray foam insulation to rise can save you time and money. You don’t want to compact foam too much by applying multiple layers before it has time to rise. Doing so could result in poor insulating effects and the need for additional layers. So, be patient and allow your expanding foam to rise before spraying another layer.
Use Professional-Grade Equipment
Using hardware store insulation equipment isn’t a viable strategy for your long-term spray foam business. DIY-level spray foam equipment can’t provide the various quality of life and control features that commercial equipment can. For example, commercial spray foam machines often feature auto shut-off modes that can prevent you from wasting material on the job when it encounters an issue. You can learn all about these features and more by browsing our selection of machines at Spray Foam Systems.
If you follow these six techniques to make your spray foam jobs more efficient, you can complete professional applications faster. Therefore, leaving you more room to schedule additional jobs and increase your business’s revenue. Upgrading your commercial spray foam equipment allows you to provide your clients with better results and encourages word-of-mouth marketing to grow your business even further.