High-quality pieces of spray foam equipment can last years and even decades, so how do you know when it’s time to start looking for a new one? Eventually, you will notice signs that it’s time to start looking for that new piece of equipment. Reactors are especially important to the spray foam process, so you want to make sure you have a well-functioning one for every job. Without a consistent reactor, it might be difficult to schedule your spray foam installation jobs. Learn the five signs it’s time to start looking for a new reactor to avoid losing productivity due to old equipment.
What Is a Spray Foam Reactor?
A spray foam reactor is a vital piece of spray foam equipment for any rig or system. This piece of spray foam equipment is also known as the “proportioner.” The proportioner or reactor helps maintain the proper temperature for the chemicals mixed to create spray foam. The proportioner/reactor then pumps the spray foam material through the hose to the applicator and spray gun. Without a proper working reactor, you wouldn’t be able to heat or pump spray foam on the job. Therefore, it’s critical to make sure your spray foam reactor or proportioner are in good condition.
Applications of Spray Foam Reactors
Reactors range in size and specialty, which impacts their applications on a job site. For example, entry-level reactors are ideal for small-scale spray foam installations. On the other hand, a larger, stationary reactor or proportioner will be more suitable for handling large-scale projects like spraying commercial buildings or residences. There are also portable spray foam reactors that are perfect for travel jobs where access to your usual spray foam rig might be difficult.
When To Look for a New Reactor
If you don’t already have a spray foam reactor for your rig, you may want to consider investing in one based on your applications for it. Additionally, if you’ve used spray foam reactors for an extended period, you may also be on the market for a new one. When you start to notice some of the signs of age below, it may be time to start looking for a new reactor for your spray foam rig.
When Repairs Become More Frequent
You can expect equipment repairs when you maintain your spray foam tools. However, if you need to schedule repairs more frequently, this could be a sign that something is wrong with your equipment. If you notice issues occurring with your reactor more frequently, it may be time to upgrade to a new model. This could save you time and money overall. Repeated repairs can accumulate and may end up costing you more than a brand-new model. Pay close attention to your repair schedule and bills—you may need to weigh buying a new model against continuing to schedule repairs for your old reactor.
When Your Applications Are Impacted
Have you ever noticed your spray foam installations don’t seem to be working as smoothly as they did before? If your spray foam application process seems to take longer or you keep running into snags with equipment, this could be a sign that you need a new reactor. Any type of spray foam equipment will experience wear and tear with age. Eventually, you’ll need to replace it. When you find yourself struggling with your equipment during an installation and it affects your jobs, don’t delay in upgrading your equipment. Because the reactor controls spray foam temperature, it can make the application and cleanup processes more difficult when this part is damaged. Even if you notice simple tasks taking longer than normal, this could be a subtle sign that your equipment is damaged or needs replacing.
When Your Model Becomes Outdated
Over time and years of use, your spray foam equipment may start to become outdated. Even if your equipment doesn’t require frequent repairs and hasn’t sustained damage, outdated equipment can still be difficult to use. Newer reactors may possess functions or abilities that aid the spray foam process and allow you to apply foam more efficiently. This is one reason to look for the latest version of the reactor you need. While buying used spray foam equipment can be an effective way to meet your budget and save your business money, you might also be missing new and improved technology.
When Your Reactor Becomes Damaged
A major sign that you’re in need of a new reactor is when it suffers damage while on the job. It’s important to know the proper handling techniques for all your spray foam equipment, including the reactor, to avoid damaging them due to misuse. Of course, some damage from wear and tear over time is unavoidable, but you can avoid acute damage by inspecting and caring for your equipment with each use. For example, make sure to always use the right power cables that match the correct kVA power requirement for your reactor or proportioner. Using the wrong power cables could result in electrical fluctuations, causing damage to the device.
When Your Equipment and Applications No Longer Match
Ideally, your spray foam contracting business will continue to grow and evolve with every installation project you schedule. Eventually, your business may simply outgrow your starting equipment and materials. For example, portable and entry-level reactors are ideal for contractors handling smaller spray foam jobs and applications. As your business grows, you may need to take on larger-scale installations, which will require more powerful equipment. This is another sign that your equipment may be outdated—though it’s also a sign of your business’s growth.
These five signs it’s time to start looking for a new reactor can help you keep your spray foam processes and business running efficiently. You can apply these signs to most of your spray foam equipment, so keep up your inspections and watch out for these signs of outdated equipment. And when you realize it’s time to trade your old reactor for a new model, check out our selection of spray foam insulation supplies here at Spray Foam Systems. We carry everything from replacement parts to spray foam systems to rigs—everything you need to keep your spray foam business running smoothly.