The proportioner’s job is to heat and control foam mixtures, so when something goes wrong with this equipment, it can have disastrous results on a spray foam job. When it comes to spray foam equipment, a common troubleshooting issue is pressure imbalance. Imbalances can lead to poor-quality foam and sprays, so watch out for these three signs of spray foam pressure imbalances while operating your equipment.
Pressure Imbalance Code
The most obvious sign of a pressure imbalance in your spray foam system is an error code that will display on your system itself. Certain proportioning systems will sound an alarm and display an error code to let you know that there is an imbalance while spraying. Some units will even shut down entirely to avoid damage or wasting product. Once you’ve determined which side of your proportioning equipment is causing an issue and addressed it, you should restart the pump and turn on your heating units. This will ensure that your unit is reset and it will properly heat and apply your material.
Noticeable Drop in Pressure
If you’re using an older proportioning unit or system, a pressure imbalance might not be as evident as an alarm bell or code on the screen. For this reason, it’s essential to also pay attention to the application process itself. When an imbalance occurs, you may notice a sharp drop or increase in pressure coming from your spray hose and gun. If you notice a sudden change in product output, stop your application as soon as possible to avoid wasting product or applying a poor-quality spray foam mixture.
Material Temperature, Color, and Texture
Pressure imbalances can also affect your spray foam mixture’s temperature, color, and texture. Like changes in pressure, you’ll also want to stop your application immediately to avoid spraying poor-quality foam. Temperature and pressure imbalances can lead to spray foam that doesn’t adhere or cure properly after spraying.
Watch for these three signs of spray foam pressure imbalances during your future installation jobs. If you experience frequent pressure imbalances while using your equipment, this could be a sign to upgrade your system or proportioner. You can find everything from replacement parts to full mobile spray foam rigs here at Spray Foam Systems.