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SFS Scarfer – Foam Roof Removal Machine – Save Labor Cost

SKU: 224277

SFS Scarfer - Foam Roof Removal Machine - Save Labor Cost SFSSCARF


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SFS Scarfer – Foam Roof Removal Machine – Save Labor Cost 


The Scarfer allows contractors to repair or replace damaged foam roofs by cutting off the surface of the roof down to dry, smooth foam. Smart roofers use the Scarfer to save them time, labor, liability and waste disposal costs.  The Scarfer is lightweight for easy lifting and handling on roofs. Machine operation is simple enough for any roofing crew to quickly be productive.  If you are interested in being competitive at roof repairs or reroofs, call today and get the details on what the Scarfer can do for you.


  • Weight 150 lbs
  • Engine 205 CC Briggs & Stratton
  • Blades 16 ten inch carbide tip circular
  • Drive Heavy Duty belt
  • Cut 16” by 1 or 1/2 inch per pass
  • Production Up to 1,000 square feet hour, depending on depth and surface condition.


The Roof Scarfer is a valuable tool to be used for removing spray foam roofing system as part of job prep, or for repairs and regular replacements.

Sooner or later when you are out on the job you will come to a site where the spray foam roof will be at the end of its lifecycle.

When this happens you have two options:

  1. You can hire your crew to perform a labor-intensive job by tearing it off. This option will cost you time and can be very expensive.
  2. The second option would be to use the Roof Scarfer to grind down the old foam roof, quickly and efficiently.

How Does the Roof Scarfer Work on Spray Foam?
As you pull the Roof Scarfer, it will cut ½ inch or 1 inch of spray foam from the surface of the old foam roof. If that is not enough, and you need to cut it deeper, simply complete another pass over the surface on the newly exposed layer.

You will want to repeat the cutting process until you cannot see any more saturated foam. Typically this means you will only need to cut less than ½ in from the surface.




153 lbs



X .48

X .40 in

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